Primary Videos
Listening comprehension
Listening comprehension can be tricky sometimes and there are details that students often overlook. However, if you follow our step-by-step guide, you will be more aware of the details in the passage and use our answering tips to score well...
Interesting topical compositions
Last lesson, we talked about how to write smooth and coherent picture compositions using keywords given in the question. Writing topical compositions is somewhat different from picture compositions because students are required to make up their own storyline and make...
Coherent picture compositions
Writing picture compositions may seem easier than other types of essays, but it requires students to be even more meticulous with the details and transitions between each picture. Today, we will teach you how to take a step-by-step approach to...
Ways to answer multiple response questions- Part two
Last week, we introduced multiple response questions. However, there are many types of multiple response questions, and they may appear in the same question. It is crucial for students to be clear of what the question is asking for, and...
Ways to answer multiple response questions
Some questions from the Reading Comprehension section entail two small parts, each account for 1-2 marks. This is what we call a multiple response question. In order to obtain full marks for this type of question, students need to answer...
Reading Comprehension part two section B
Following up on the previous episode, today’s video will focus on answering the individual questions in part b of the Reading Comprehension section. Answering this type of questions is not difficult, but many students fail to incorporate all the elements...
Comprehension: Word search
How to find the correct word in the passage.
Complete conversations
Completing the conversation is one of the easiest parts to score once you’ve mastered the skills needed.
Written Interactions
The techniques to doing written interaction.
Reading Comprehension Section Two
Reading Comprehension Section Two