Discover this Student-Focused Chinese Tuition Centre at XueLin Learning Hub Marine Parade, Singapore
Are you a Tiger Mom?
We are too! We completely understand what you want to help your child achieve and we’re here to help you assume the role of the Tiger Parent. XueLin Learning Hub Marine Parade is all parents’ top choice for a Chinese tuition centre that integrates an academics-driven curriculum with a holistic approach. Situated in 1 Marine Parade Central, #03-01 Parkway Centre, SG 449408, we specialise in PSLE and ‘O’ Levels classes that equip students with Key Scoring Skills to increase their exam performing capabilities and build up unshakeable exam confidence.
Students as the core of our Chinese enrichment programme
Being a student-centred Chinese tuition centre in Singapore, XueLin Learning Hub Marine Parade’s focal point has always been on our students’ academic progress and holistic development. We want to equip every student with the necessary answering techniques and essential Key Scoring Skills that will not only help them to take on examinations with a breeze, but also accumulate a wealth of knowledge that probes them to think analyse further and communicate better.
High-Touch Chinese Language Centre in Singapore
Do you prefer your child to maximise learning in a small class? We agree that big successes start with small classes. Our class size is kept lean so that our teachers can cater to every student’s learning needs and curate the lesson plan according to the pace of the students. We want all students to be constantly included and engaged during the lesson to discover and thrive in our conducive learning environment.
Professional teachers with updated MOE-syllabus knowledge
The spirit of learning never dies, even when it comes to our teachers! Besides empowering students through learning, our teachers keep up with monthly in-house training to ensure their knowledge of MOE examination guidelines, MOE-based syllabus and effective teaching methodologies are up-to-date at all times. Maintaining their expertise in this field is their number one priority to create powerful classroom experiences that get your child excited about learning Chinese.
Strong parent-teacher communication to track weekly progress
Always be in the know of your child’s learning progress. Each student’s progress is tracked with regular evaluation to routinely give feedback to parents after each class and work hand-in-hand with parents for tangible academic progress. Find out more about our Tiger Mom Parenting Strategy for Chinese Learning now. Get in touch with us! Find us at XueLin Learning Hub Marine Parade Branch: 1 Marine Parade Central, #03-01 Parkway Centre, SG 449408.  Drop us a call at 6333 5400!